terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2011

Levi' 2

Perfect script, perfect direction. 


Very good twist in this Levi's spot. The shooting kinda reminds me somehow of Tarantino style back in his old days.


This ad is just so funny I laugh every single time. Really worth watching. 

Sweet Havaianas

Havaianas is the marketing strategy case that I admire the most. AlmapBBDO could turn these random cheap flip flops that everybody was ashamed of wearing into these worldwide known cool Brazilian brand. These are some of the print ads made by BBDO NY. 

sábado, 4 de junho de 2011

Classic one.

I think everybody likes this spot. It’s just amazing how it tells the story keeping us entertained till the end. The agency is Nordpol Hamburg and the spot won many awards.

terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011

Argentine humor

Argentine and Brazil compete a lot not only in soccer but also in the advertising world, I think they both have great work and we can learn from them. The way they treat humor is different, and yet similar at the same time. They both know how to make a good twist. I really like this one as much as I like the Ford Fusion one. Hilarious.

domingo, 8 de maio de 2011

More than breakfast at Tiffany's

This week I passed by Tiffany’s and was so captivated by its new display cases that I had to share it with everyone. The four windows showed a number of simple ways to propose. The concept was based on a couple that lives away from each other, which is becoming more common every day. It looks like it’s a real engagement proposal, but I think that was the idea and, in fact, that’s what made it so captivating. Public proposals seem so corny and embarrassing, but I have to say that if these ideas were real, they would be a fantastic way to do it. Besides, everyone that passes by stops, looks and reads it! Even guys! That’s what’s really amazing.