domingo, 1 de maio de 2011

5 anos (5 years) - New Ford Fusion

Video translation:

What about you, where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years… (starts wondering)

After a while he asks her the same question.

When I first saw this ad, I laughed and thought: “Wow, this is such a good insight and so funny to watch. It’s just another random upper middle class car for Brazilian people, but they managed to create a strategy to communicate with young people and make it different than any other car.” “Back in black” was wisely chosen for soundtrack, which gave the spot a stronger voice. Sure, it’s risky to joke about this subject, some people thought it is feminist and discriminatory, but I remember all of my friends, men and women, taking it as a joke and enjoying the spot. In my opinion, it’s a great spot and definitely deserved the Cannes prize it achieved in 2009.

(This TV spot is called “5 years” for the new Ford Fusion made by JWT Brazil).

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